Online Contests

Throughout the year, we host a variety of online contests where we give away A LOT of wedding "stuff".  

  • The "Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too" Contest is hosted annually in August. Brides submit their engagement stories and get entered to win a FREE wedding cake and other fun goodies!
  • The "Before You Take the Plunge" Contest is hosted in September! Brides answer a "Question of the Week" and get entered to win a complete Date Night valued at $1,000+.  
  • The annual "Bling Fling" Contest lets brides vote on their favorite photo submitted from our photographers! Four winners are chosen and they each win a gift certificate of $250 toward their wedding bands.
  • The "Count Your Carats" Contest is hosted annually in April. The Berkshire Wedding Expos visit participating sponsor jewelers and get their Carat Cards punched! Also, a "Question of the Week" is offered o gain additional entries. (3) The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples win a $250 jewelry shopping spree. 
  • "A Day at the Spa with Ma" Contest has The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples voting on their favorite "Photo of the Week" to get entered to win a day at the spa. (2) The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples and their Moms win! Value is $135+
  • The "March Makeover Madness" Contest has The Berkshire Wedding Expo couples answering a "Question of the Week" to be entered to win a Glamour Makeover photo shoot including wardrobe changes, makeup & hair, limo transportation to the shoot site and MORE! Prize value is OVER $1,000

We are constantly developing new contests and giveaways for our Berkshire Wedding Expo couples to save money while planning their weddings! Plus... It's FUN! WOO HOO!!!

Wedding Tip #8
Your wedding gown needs to be the most important garment you will ever wear! Select a dress that makes YOU feel like a princess! In short, don't rely exclusively on the opinions of others about YOUR wedding dress!
Member Testimonials
Hi! I just wanted you to know that our web guy recently gave me a report on our web site and that re...
Diane, It was a pleasure meeting you this weekend! I had so much fun at the Hair and Spa Show! It...
We had a blast at the expo- thank you so much!